Had some fun creating this little teaser last week!
LYRICS (in progress):
The Reckoning:
Here we go again
Offering of sin
Never-ending win
For the god you’re under
Codependent life
Like a rogue in the night with a side of thunder
Like a knife in the teeth with a slice of hunger
Never seen anything with a bite quite like this
I’m the lore, I’m a myth, I’m a force to be reckoned with
(female vocals verse):
Isn’t it a shame
Caught up in the same
Only one to blame
For the mind you plunder
Calculated find
Like a rogue in the night with a side of thunder
Like a knife in the teeth with a slice of hunger
Never seen anything with a bite quite like this
I’m the lore, I’m a myth, I’m a force to be reckoned with
Writing Process
This song has taken 2-3 years to get to this point. It’s been a rough subject for me to write about. More on that below. It began as an idea for a TV track with the main hook vocals. It has gone through TONS of different lyric changes over the years on that chorus line. I’ve tweaked it, thrown it out, tweaked it again, thrown it out, on repeat for 2-3 years. No words felt right. Initially I thought I wanted this song to be purely female vocals the whole way through, but the more I sang it, the more I felt like I needed to own the feelings coming up in the lyrics by having me sing.
Back when i was considering having this be all female vocals, the main lyric hook read: “I’m a queen, I’m a myth, I’m a force to be reckoned with…” I didn’t like the word queen and together though as it didn’t quite make sense. For a time I changed queen to “saint”, but still didn’t like that one. The line before that part used to say, “Never seen anything with a lore quite like this…” but then as I was recording some scratch vocals I was singing and the word “bite” came out just kinda on its own without thinking about it. It was perfect. I had to keep it, but I really liked the word “lore” in this song as I felt like it was a pillar to what the song would eventually be about. Then I realized it worked perfectly in the spot of the main lyric hook, “I’m the LORE, I’m a myth, I’m a force to be reckoned with”. It flowed perfectly AND I realized later that the word “lore” rhymed nicely and naturally with “force”. It was the keeper.
Song Meaning
I delve quite a bit into the meaning of this song in one of my Studio Journals here.
Ultimately this song wasn’t ready to come out because I wasn’t ready to “come out” about my true feelings with organized religion and my HUGE upbringing with it and original core identity with it. Deciding to come out with this song was also deciding to look at my darker feelings towards my upbringing and embrace it… Embrace the darkness that it brought to my life instead of finding ways to shove those feelings down or run from those feelings.
Truthfully though this song doesn’t have to be about that, but about any god (with a lowercase “g”) or force out there that can attempt to have hold over the mind.