Just when you thought the last drop of life energy was expelled from your being, the music you heard fuels your purpose just enough to hang on.

Your whole being is now glowing with dark energy. Your breath slows to a deep heaving. You feel as if you’re about to burst with rage! The chain and lock are now adorned loosely around your neck.

You realize now that Taraheem was not trying to kill you. Instead, they were melding their dark shadow energy within you, similar to how Harashnu did with a portion of their light energy while you embraced them, just before you left the Light.

Reading your thoughts Taraheem replies in your mind, “Only this time, I have melded my whole being within you. HA! Harashnu’s meager drop of Light energy didn’t stand a chance against all of ME, and now the coward has left you!”

Just then, a soft beam of light enters the Shadow as if the door to escape had just been re-opened. Harashnu’s portion of light energy that could no longer stay with you previously, found the way out of the Shadow to return to the corridor towards the Light!

“Arrrghh… I cannot let Harashnu have more power than me! I must stop this!” shouts Taraheem.

It is now as if Taraheem is completely puppeteering your every move. In one giant leap you quickly find yourself having jumped upward now standing within the Shadow Path doorway facing the great length of the hallway outside.

The Light energy that Harashnu gave you is now retreating down the corridor back towards the Light Path door. But that’s not all you see…

The portion of Taraheem’s shadow energy that your alternate self escaped with previously, it is retreating the Light Path door from the other end now heading back towards you!

Lastly, you also see and make eye contact with your alternate self who is facing you on the other end of the long hallway. They stand stoically in the opened Light Path doorway. It appears that Harashnu has now melded their entire Light being with your alternate self too. Light, love, and understanding are emanating from their countenance.

The separated portions of Taraheem’s shadow energy and Harashnu’s light energy are simultaneously racing down the corridor towards each other. The are both attempting to reach their host before the other one does on each end of the long hallway. Before they do, they both reach the middle of the corridor, and then…

They collide.