You slowly take a step forward out of the Shadow Path doorway. You surprisingly feel Taraheem’s rage transform to a more tranquil presence in your mind.
“I’ve… never been able to leave the Shadow before.” Taraheem is surprised. “That key they hold… it… calls to me. I… now… understand? Understanding is a new concept for me, but I now… under….stand… this is the only path forward.”
Your alternate self on the other end takes a step forward as well, holding the crystal key in front of them. The love and light emanating from their countenance as well as the power of the key seems to be calming to Taraheem.
The doorways behind each of you unexpectedly remain open as you continue to approach the middle of the corridor.
In the aftermath of the collision remains a beautiful glowing orb, perfectly balanced with Light energy and Shadow energy.
Perfect equilibrium.
The balanced orb of Shadow/Light energy calls to both of you. With each step towards the center, your oneness with Taraheem starts to feel more connected with your alternate self’s oneness with Harashnu.
They are now fully Harashnu.
You are now fully Taraheem.
Reaching the center of the hallway, like two magnets getting pulled together, the lock and key leap from each being toward the glowing orb and connect with each other within its beautiful balanced energy.