February 17, 2025
Love is in the air here in Fenwick land haha Valentine’s Day was nice. We surprised each other with a couple different things. Sarah decorated the entire downstairs with paper hearts that I didn’t see until the next morning, and she treated me to some of my favorite candies, most of which have already been eaten just a couple days later lol!
So Sarah beat me to the surprises on love day, but while she was at work I surprised her by sprinkling rose pedals from the front door all the way up to our tub upstairs where I decked it out with flowers and goodies for her to have a relaxing bubble bath all to herself after work. I filled up the tub with bubbles and rose pedals and when she got home she was very surprised. :) I turned on some music and then went downstairs and created a live playlist for her to listen to from my laptop. It was fun adding all our favorite love songs like a live mix tape or mix CD we used to make in the “old days” before music streaming lol! It was quite the sight if you were a fly on the wall watching me cue up all the songs for her while she was upstairs because I bawled like a baby through a lot of them as I was listening to different tunes deciding on what to cue up next for her haha. It was a great time! (Pic below)
One of the first songs I played for her was from a fave band of ours named Copeland. They have an album called “Ixora” and after that album was released they released a follow-up album of the same songs but with different instrumentation and vocal lines called “Ixora Twin”. The coolest thing about it? If you play both albums, pressing play at the same time on different devices, you get a quadrolistening experience! It’s the COOLEST thing! The same songs harmonizing with each other and giving a fuller mesmerizing sound! I’ll have to link both albums in the #currently-listening channel in the Future Sphere Discord server shortly after posting this. You’ve gotta try it out some time!
Anyway, the night before I forgot to mention that we went out for tacos at one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants and idk what it was about the tacos that night but they were HELLA spicy for REAL. Sarah had just one al pastor taco and was DONE for the night. I tried just one piece of meat from hers and equally was done lol. (Pic below)
We then went to Barnes & Noble to look at books together that we want to buy/read next and finished off the night getting shakes and coffee at Dutch Bros. We decided that “going out to eat” only counts as date night if it’s somewhere fancier than what we normally attend. Somewhere we feel like we can/get to dress up nicer than we normally do for dinner so I would call this date night a success!
The day after Valentine’s was a Daddy/kids day. I took my three kiddos to see the new Captain America movie. It was okay, I think I wanted to see more of Red Hulk in it, but the fight scene at the end was pretty good. My favorite parts were all the aerial fighting shots of Captain America with his Falcon wings. I feel like they did a great job in that regard. After that I took the kids to another favorite Mexican food restaurant of mine (haha we eat a lot of Mexican food here in Arizona.. I’m a huge sucker for tacos lol!). Fun memories with the little ones! (pic below)
As far as our Doubt to Belief project, I got the electric guitars all the way finished! You can watch the footage from the session on the Agree songs-in-progress page here. I’ll let the video there speak for itself, but basically just lots of layering guitar parts to give the song a FULLER sound! There is still some editing to do in the song since I’m not a robot when it comes to playing guitar parts perfectly haha. This weekend Sarah and I have planned to record her vocals on the song! We’re getting so close to finishing this one! Stay tuuuuuuned!!!
“Fenwick & the Futures”