“Same Page”
*Just the rough instrumentals so far
(no vocals yet)
Check back later!
(Rough) LYRICS
Does it even matter that you and I are never on the same page?
You can be the intro I can be your only ending
And the stuff in between us will be to conceive a story
Tell me what you’re looking for I can be your never ending love scene
I love it when you take control
When I lose control
When you say hey wait a minute, in it
Can you stay hey stay a minute more
Why don’t ya?
Sarah: Does it even matter that you and I can never see the same thing?
Nate: We can be the daylight this can be the anthem of your only dream
And the seasons of us on repeat will be just a secret meaning
Finding it will open up more than we could ever understand in sync
Take control
When I lose control
When you say hey wait a minute, in it
Can you stay hey stay a minute more
Why don’t ya?
When the tide is only rising and I can barely hold up my head
You’ll be standing on the edge of the light until I find it again
I love it when you take control
When I lose control
When you say hey wait a minute, in it
Can you stay hey stay a minute more
Will you take control
When I lose control
When you say hey wait a minute, in it
Can you stay hey stay a minute more
Why don’t ya?
Why don’t ya?
Why don’t ya?
Writing Process
Like I mentioned in this Studio Journal this is the FIRST song I’ve been able to write with my spouse Sarah. :)
More frequently than not, a song will first start being written with a catchy chorus line or something. That wasn’t the case here. The very first line written was actually the first lyric above in the whole song which set the whole premise for the rest of the song.
Sarah and I are both very creative people but often both have very creatively different ideas, which is totally cool, but because of that we haven’t been able to sit down together and write something we were both happy with. That changed with this song, to the point that we thought it would be awesome to actually write a song about that creative struggle. In so doing we discovered that on the contrary, in the creative struggle is where the actual magic can happen if both of us can get on the
”same page” in our creativity. The process in that regard has been a very beautifully challenging experience. SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE!
Song Meaning
So yes, I kinda gave away the meaning in my blurb above, but there is also an overtone throughout the song if you hadn’t caught on about it already that is more in regards to the physical side of a romantic relationship too which in its own right can be a struggle as well but also be very beautiful when both partners can get on the “same page”.
Ultimately, as we’ve continued to learn together through 12 years of marriage, every aspect of a healthy relationship (romantic or not) really relies on good communication. That’s the core meaning of this song, and I’m so very lucky to get to create and perform it with my best friend. :)