As you reach for the doorknob in desperation, the dark whisper morphs into a gut-wrenching shriek as a strong gust of energy starts peeling itself off of you.
“I willllllllll notttttt enterrrrr heeeerrrrre!!!!!!” Screams the voice.
Whoever it is that just separated itself from you, you’re too petrified to turn around to see it, so you quickly burst through the door.
Upon entering, you feel instant safety, relief, and indescribable beauty. Tears uncontrollably pour down your face.
It feels familiar, nostalgic.. like Home.
It doesn’t seem like the dark entity followed you through the door though so you appear to be safe for now.
You quickly discover that here you are able to fly. The higher you fly, the sweeter it feels. The sweeter it feels, the higher you fly.
Soon you reach what feels like an invisible ceiling and cannot go any higher.
You notice across the way some sort of being… a being of light who seems to be struggling in the same way, trying to go higher but is unable.
You feel compelled to speak out loud.
What do you say?