You turn around in attempt to head back, but the key you are holding, it wants you to open this dark cosmic door…
By this point your curiosity is too great. You HAVE to find out what’s calling to you through that door! You wonder if it might be something… good?
While you’re frozen in indecision, you’re not sure how, but the key in your pocket seems to suggest everything will be okay if you decide to enter.
In what feels like a bottled-up, rash set of actions, you abruptly turn back around and kick the door open.
All of the sudden you are forcefully pulled in! Before you get completely swept away, you quickly reach to grab the knob of the door which has swung inward towards this Shadow-looking realm. There is no floor beneath you. You hang on for dear life.
All of the sudden another person gets thrown passed you back into the corridor side of the doorway. They land flat on their back and after a brief moment they open their eyes, sit up, and turn around to see you clinging to the doorknob. You’re not sure why, but this person oddly looks identical to… YOU?
Their wide eyes seem to tell the story of all the dreadful things that must have happened to them in there. As you lock eyes you can feel their deep love and concern for you. They grab hold of the wall next to the door and try to reach for your other hand. Your fingers barely touch but can’t grab hold..
You soon realize, maybe that key you put in your pocket earlier might give you the extra length needed for this seemingly other version of yourself to grab.
You take it out and reach towards them with it. They’re able to grasp it and attempt to pull you back in, but it slips out of your hand and propels them back through the other side of the door, almost as if this Shadow realm rejected it!
You simultaneously let go of the doorknob and the door slams closed. The Shadow takes you.
You feel as if your darkest nightmares start to play out in front of you, yet all you see are zooming dark lights through a seemingly endless tunnel backlit by beautiful deep colors. Soon everything comes to a halt. You are encompassed by pure darkness. You sense someone is there so you feel compelled to say something. At first you struggle to speak, but eventually are able to shout out into the Shadow:
What do you say?