January 24, 2025

The last couple weeks have consisted of me editing and finishing Sam’s drum parts that we started working on as mentioned in our last vlog episode on YouTube HERE.

All the “midi notes” as they’re called, have needed tweaking. What happens is, after we input them all into the computer, each individual note has to be tweaked as far as how “hard” we tell the computer to hit each drum note. This is a very tedious task which requires a lot of listening back to make sure the drum-playing sounds as real as “humanly possible” otherwise we risk having a drum kit sounding like it was played by a robot, not a human haha.

After this task this weekend the goal is to start recording bass and guitar so that we can start recording vocals asap!

Outside of Fenwick stuff, I posted a couple pictures below of mine and Sarah’s date night this week. We try to go out at least once a week. Normally this entails something simple like going out to eat together but this week we had a friend invite us to a new original musical that their friend wrote. The show was called “Witches Tea” and is about 7 of the most famous witches from various stories all getting together and “spilling the tea” on each other’s background stories. It was cute and fun! The seven witches could not be named by their actual names because of licensing issues I assume, but the writer before the show explained who each of them were inspired by: the wicked witch of the west, the 3 Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus, the candy witch from Hansel & Gretel, and Belllatrix from Harry Potter. After the show in the lobby area we chatted with friends, and I noticed there were witches hats dangling from the ceiling so I told Sarah to snap a pic of me jumping up into one with my head so it looked like I was levitating wearing the witches hat lol! We died laughing at how the pics turned out haha! Those are posted below… hope you enjoy!

To close this journal out I just wanted to make mention that after this original musical, an old dream reawakened in me to write my own musical some day. Space themed maybe? Alien themed? What do you think?


“Fenwick & the Futures”