I Am A Future


You finished the Shadow Path!

After checking out the exclusive content for “I Am A Future”, scroll to the bottom of this page to decipher the password using details from your journey to unlock one more hidden unreleased song.


For the official lyric video on this song, I had a lot of fun digging through old home video footage from my childhood to play off the whole idea of a future self reaching out to their past self. Hope you enjoy:

Lastly, here’s a rough acoustic sketch of when the song was in its infant stages. Several people have commented that they like this acoustic version better, but what do you think?

*Tap full screen to view in full vertical mode.


If i could reach out

Into the silence of the years

Echo these words into a mind

So filled with fear

And quiet the lies

Instead of the heart

Quiet the noise

Instead of the soul

Deepen the fire

To light up the night

And give him a voice

To vanquish the foe

I am a whisper in the noise

I am a future of your choice

Now at a crossroad

I lie silent of no words

Deep in the mind of frozen

Familiar voice is heard:

Quiet the lies

Instead of the heart

Quiet the noise

Instead of the soul

Deepen the fire

To light up the night

And lift up your voice

To vanquish the foe

I am a whisper in the noise

I am a future of your choice

Cycle of never-ending

Inertia of higher appeal

Catalyst of your rising

Forgiveness to stop the wheel

Quiet the noise

Instead of the soul

Deepen the fire

To light up the night

And lift up your voice

To vanquish the foe

I am a whisper in the noise

I am a future

I am.


Writing Process

Like most of my songs, this one first started out as an acoustic sketch as heard above. Once in a while I create a full produced song from an acoustic sketch and realize that I liked it better when it was in its raw original acoustic form. Often times that’s because I’ve heard it more on acoustic and my ears just get used to it that way.

For this song, the lyrics came simultaneously with the melody. Sometimes I’ll play chords, hear vocal melodies in my head, and sing out loud whatever random words come out without thinking too much about it. When I think too much about it is usually when the process get stuck. Once in a while when I do this, the words stick. Most of the time though the random words serve as a good rough idea of how many syllables and what kind of vowels I want phrases to end or rhyme with.

Sometimes I can’t help but wonder if some of these songs, or at the very least- the melodies, exist outside of space and time, and I’m just tuning in the radio antenna of my music-mind to hear them. :)

Song Meaning

I feel like ending this “future self” Shadow / Light journey with this song sums everything up perfectly. When I sat down to write this song, I knew I wanted to write about what it meant to be a “future”. To me being a “future” is knowing & accepting that I am a product of my past, that every decision big and small has led me to who I am today. Though there have been things I wish I could have done differently along the way, ultimately I love and accept who I have become and look forward with optimism to what is yet to be.

Through this songwriting process my mind went down the rabbit hole of what I would tell my past self if I could reach back in time, and then what my future self would say to me if they could reach out to me now. As I followed down that line of thinking, the same message came through: “Don’t give into fear, always choose love, stay true to yourself etc…”

A lot of the concepts, but primarily the lyrics on the bridge, were inspired from a book series I recently devoured (and I’ve NEVER been much of a “reader”) called, The Law of One: The Ra Material. These books talk a lot about “catalyst” which is experienced in a variety of ways in life. For purposes of this Shadow/Light experience, we can refer to catalyst as “the shadow”. When shadow is experienced and endured, it welcomes the light. According to the Law of One, catalyst (if welcomed, accepted, embraced, and learned from etc) has the potential of “rising” the soul to the next progressional stage of existence. When catalyst or shadow is avoided, it continues to be experienced until the lesson desired of the soul is learned. In other words, it is a “cycle of never-ending” until learning the desired soul lesson “stops the wheel”.

Shadow / Light



Did you enjoy this musical deep dive? I know I had a blast creating it for you. I’ll probably be spending more time developing it further and making it better. I hope the current version that you experienced was enjoyable at least. :)

If you’re curious about how the story developed on the Light Path for your alternate self whom you met in your story, and to experience different song lore and bonus content, keep an eye on your inbox for NEXT WEEK when I’ll be sending you the Light Path story (5 more parts total).

If not received next week, or to receive it sooner, shoot me an email at: nate@fenwickandthefutures.com


When I created the concept of this story, I knew how I wanted both paths to end. The concept of balance between light and shadow in life was also a fundamental idea. Having the free will to choose whatever path our soul desires in life is also a beautiful thing that this Earth experience offers, and I wanted that to be key in the story as well.

The symbol at the top of this page is actually a drawing I created for a tattoo I got on the inside of my left forearm a couple of years ago. To me it serves as a reminder of all the concepts above. It also represents the union between Shadow Self and Light Self and finding that balance to feel One with the All.


Still haven’t had enough? If that’s the case, then not to worry… I’m in the process of writing and recording my NEXT album, and guess what? I’m peeling back the curtain here to let you hear the first song!

I’ve created a hidden content page for this song which I’m using to document its creation process. I’d love to share it with you as a bonus for making it to the end of your Shadow / Light path.

To make this more fun, you can access the hidden song if you can decipher the password using details from your journey and the three clues below .

Then… enter the deciphered password on the song page found through the button below…


1- I am a future of your choice in the Shadow.


2- I am a future of your choice in the Light.