You can’t help but stare at your future self. In their current state they barely resemble you.
“I Am Taraheem,” declares your future self as some sort of ritualistic follow-up introduction. “If you don’t like what you see then GET OUT!” they scream.
You’re beyond speechless. This shadow place feels like a thick heavy weight pressing down on your chest. When you try to speak, nothing comes out.
As you clutch your chest in pain, you notice your future self Taraheem is doing the same.
A heavy chain is adorned around their neck with a large metal lock dangling on the end in front of their chest.
“WHAT are you staring at!?”
They look down at the lock.
“Oh, you’d like to know what this is wouldn’t you? Well you’ll soon find out the simultaneous power and weakness that this brings upon me because YOU did this to me! It is because of YOU I can never leave this place! YOU are to blame for ALL of this!”
Suddenly you feel overwhelming sorrow on behalf of Taraheem. After all, it is somehow YOU in the future… As terrifying as they appear, you yearn to do anything to take away their pain. Could the lock around their neck be causing the anguish?
What do you do next?