For You



This is just a little studio recording montage of me recording all the various production parts in “For You”. Hope you enjoy this little behind-the-scenes peek!

For this next video, I’d love to say that I personally know a guy with a cool astronaut suit, but the best I could do on an indie budget was find some usable royalty-free footage online and edit it all together myself. 😅 Although I DID try to find my own astronaut costume at Goodwill haha! The only thing I could find though was this random beekeeper or garbage man suit(?) Where do you think this suit came from? Shoot me an email if you know because to this day I’m still confused what this is:

Anyway, even so I’m pretty happy with how this lyric video turned out. I’ll post the full lyrics below the video too. Enjoy!


Hey, why you tell me to up and move? I was lost til I found you
I was lost til I found you
‘Cause if I want you to stay

What you want me to say?
Fighting it all, I’m fighting it all for you

Hey, what you thinking that you could lose?
If you fall I can save you
Now why you still afraid?

‘Cause if I want you to stay
What you want me to say?
Fighting it all, I’m fighting it all for you

Well I’m giving it a lot of thought
And getting caught with my hand held high
Giving up a high five
Says a lot, understand me?
What you demand
See, you were fighting on the wrong side making me the enemy

Put me in the friend zone, at the least
Not looking for end zone just camaraderie

But I need to see you quit your Jekyl and Hyde skit
And ride out the tide it’s time to high five this

Hey, why you tell me to up and move? I was lost til I found you
So why you turn away?
‘Cause if I want you to stay what you want me to say?
Fighting it all, I’m fighting it off for you

Hey, what you thinking that you could lose?
If you fall I can save you
Now why you still afraid?

‘Cause if I want you to stay
What you want me to say?
Fighting it all, I’m fighting it all for you

I know you’re running through your head slow
But moving though is a cycle of therapy making, breaking a way to be

So authentically the fighter you’re meant to be
Just silent before, but hiding no more the real enemy in your head roars

Put me in the friend zone, at the least
Not looking for end zone just camaraderie But I need to see you won’t forget all our Bonnie and Clyde bit
And ride out the tide it’s time to survive this

Hey, why you tell me to up and move? I was lost til I found you
So why you turn away?
‘Cause if I want you to stay

What you want me to say?
Fighting it all, I’m fighting it all for you

Hey, what you thinking that you could lose?
If you fall I can save you
Now why you still afraid?

‘Cause if I want you to stay
What you want me to say?
Fighting it all, I’m fighting it all for you


Writing Process

It’s so fascinating to me whenever I put an album together, there’s always one straggler song floating around in the old noggin’ that decides to be a late bloomer and not find it’s way out until the tail end of the album recording process. Usually this last song written is the catchiest one on the album too haha. This has actually happened on every album release I’ve recorded to date! “Mind Cycles” was only supposed to be a 5 track EP, but then “For You” came into existence.

For those of you who don’t know, the way I provide for my family is by writing music for television shows, film, & video games. A particular pitch opportunity came up for an upcoming video game that needed a poppy song to play I think over the menu screen much like on Fortnite, I think when you’re picking your avatar/character.

Anyway, that’s how this song came about for that pitch opportunity. I didn’t land the gig for that one which thankfully allowed me to include it on my “Mind Cycles” EP. :)

Song Meaning

I always hesitate to share a song’s meaning because it’s usually specific to me, but I truly feel these songs are meant for each listener to interpret and find their own meaning. I’d hate for my meaning to get in the way from a listener finding their own. Also, over time I usually find different meanings come out of my songs for me so it’s always changing.

That said, for me "For You" was originally written as a song that is all about giving it your all, on someone's behalf and a little bit of the frustration when you're giving it your all but not really sure if it's what they need or even how to give them what they need.

It represents what might be called "the service-to-others path", which for me serving others is very much in line with the “path of light.”

The downside of this is that service to others can be overdone to the point that self-neglect can happen. Serving others can be a difficult road if the service is rejected or if balance isn't practiced. This song kind of represents this out-of-balance desperation mode of trying to serve someone.

Like they teach before any airplane flight.. in case of emergency you have to put the oxygen mask on your own face first (your own needs) before being able to be of service to someone else.