Radio transmission chatter:
N: Charting new coordinates for home.
S: Coordinates unapproved. Demanding pilot relinquish controls of systems to headquar…
N: Demand denied. Taking it from here… end of transmission.
*Music builds*
Writing Process
As soon as I wrote and recorded “Terrible” I immediately knew I wanted to record a counterpart track. I wasn’t sure yet if I was going to do it, but I thought that if the album started with an instrumental that gave off a “something terrible might happen” vibe, that I wanted to create a track with the opposite effect and place it halfway through the album to introduce the second half of songs on the “Beautiful, Terrible” album.
The next day after having this idea I just started playing around with different ethereal sounds on my keyboard. I had no idea how this one was going to sound except I knew I wanted to use the same chords from “Terrible” but put it in a more major key / hopeful-sounding tone. I started by finding the exact voicing of the chords on piano, then hit record. After I had the exact chord structure I started warping the piano sound. I wanted it to sound like a piano that was in a different space. I added other synths too it, EQ’s the heck out of it, added audio filters until I dialed in the sound that felt right. From there the rest of the track blossomed.
Song Meaning
This track took WAY longer than “Terrible” did, trying different instruments and sounds and recording what felt like hundreds of different things then deleting them. By the end of the whole process I realized how symbolic this process was of what it takes to discover the beautiful things in life. They don’t always come easily. It takes searching, trying new things, erasing false starts and beginning again. Over and over. That’s exactly what this track represents… that search of finding and forging your own beauty in life, finding your path, your people, your purpose.
These ending words are still rough and could change but the way the last line is essentially making peace with my religious upbringing and thanking it for the good that came from it, but then feeling the confidence to move on, forging my own path and transitioning to the beauty of my new life without it.